Provide First Aid HLTAID011

Cost $130.00 this price is valid until 30 June 2024


Covers all the necessary skills and knowledge required to provide first aid responses, life support, management of casualty(ies), the incident and other first aiders, until the arrival of medical or other assistance. Incorporating the content of units HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support.

Duration/delivery method

face-to-face training with Pre-Course online workbook.


Participants must have the physical capacity to perform the practical demonstrations, such as 2 minutes of uninterrupted CPR on the floor. Must complete the online workbook and theory assessment.

Topics covered

Explain the legal and social responsibilities of a first aider

Determine First Aid facilities and training requirements

Assess an emergency situation


Administer first aid for:

 minor wounds applying infection control procedures

  • burns and electric shock

  • eye and soft tissue injuries

  • venomous bites and stings and allergic reactions

  • spinal injuries and fracture


Manage a casualty:

  • with external bleeding

  • suffering from shock

  • suffering drowning/near drowning

  • suffering head, chest and abdominal injuries

  • suffering temperature extremes


Maintain the airway, breathing and circulation of an unconscious casualty

Operation of an AED

Determine principles for the assessment and movement of the sick and injured and first aid reporting requirements


Assessment procedure

Assessment is at the end of the course to show the instructor that you have an appropriate understanding of the procedures necessary to manage a life-threatening situation. This will consist of practical demonstrations CPR for 2 minutes.



At the successful completion of this course participants will be issued with a statement of attainment valid for 3 years*.

*Please note that the CPR component of the training is only valid for 12 months and should be updated annually.

Certificate Award         

HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

HLTAID010 Provide Basic Emergency Life Support

HLTAID011 Provide First Aid

*First Aid Certificate are valid for three years, CPR need to be update annually.

    “This training and assessment eliverd in partnership with Immediate Response First Aid  Pty Ltd RTO 32154”